MPLD was formed in 1991 to maintain an association of Missouri public library directors interested in the sharing of information about matters of mutual concern and in pursuing common goals through participation in legislative and other activities at the state and federal levels. It is a separate and private organization not affiliated with any other library professional group in Missouri.
Officers for 2024-2025
President: Michelle Swane (Ozark Regional Library)
Vice-President: Lori Mangan (North Kansas City Library)
Secretary: Frankie Lea Hannan (Riverside Regional Library)
Treasurer(s): Mary Beth Revels (St. Joseph Public Library)
Nominating Committee: (2024) Patrick Wall, Steve Campbell, Mary Beth Revels
Bylaws Committee: None at this time.
Website Committee: Michelle Mears (and MPLD listserv), Mary Beth Revels
MOREnet Representatives: Christa Van Herreweghe, Carrie Cline, Sue Lightfoot
MPLD List of Past Presidents
1991-1992 Karen Hicklin, Livingston County Library
1992-1993 Carl R. Sandstedt, Saint Charles City-County
1993-1994 Patricia Anderman, Kinderhook Regional Library
1994-1995 Tom Strange, Daniel Boone Regional Library
1995-1996 Carolyn Witt, Washington Public Library
1996-1997 (part) Elizabeth Adler, Cape Girardeau Public Library
1996-1997 (part) David Doennig, Stone County Library
1997-1998 David Doennig, Stone County Library
1998-1999 Liz Cashell, Henry County Library
1999-2000 Glenda Davis Hunt, Adair County Public Library
2000-2001 Jan Johnson, Daviess County Library
2001-2002 Carrie Cline, McDonald County Library
2002-2003 Carolyn Trout, Joplin Public Library
2003-2004 Betty Martin, Cape Girardeau Public Library
2004-2005 Judy Beatty, Gentry County Library
2005-2006 Susan McBeth, Nevada Public Library
2006-2007 Jacque Gage, Barton County Library
2007-2008 Cheryl Lang, Albany Carnegie Public Library
2008-2009 Susan Wray, Joplin Public Library
2009-2010 Steve Campbell, North Kansas City Public Library
2010-2011 Robin Westphal, Livingston County Library
2011-2012 Sue Lightfoot, Carrollton Public Library
2012-2013 Steve Potter, Mid-Continent Public Library
2013-2014 Patrick Wall, University City Public Library
2014-2015 Mary Beth Revels, St. Joseph Public Library
2015-2016 Rebecca Wilcox, Doniphan-Ripley County Library
2016-2017 Michelle Mears, Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
2017-2018 Teresa Tidwell, Caruthersville Public Library
2018-2019 Tony Benningfield, De Soto Public Library
2019-2020 Jami Livingston, Adair County Public Library
2020-2021 Rachael Grime, Little Dixie Regional Library
2021-2022 Lisa Garro, Heartland Regional Library
2022-2023 Katie Hill Earnhart, Cape Girardeau Public Library
2023-2024 Jeana Gockley, Joplin Public Library
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Missouri Public Library Directors Group.
Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of Missouri public library directors or their designees interested in the sharing of information about matters of mutual concern and in pursuing common goals through participation in legislative and other activities at the state and federal levels.
Section 2. No part of the net earnings of the Group shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual. No substantial part of the activities of the Group shall involve attempts to influence legislation. The Group shall not engage in propaganda or intervention in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1. Any current public library director in Missouri or public library director’s designee may become a member by paying annual dues. Each public library is limited to one membership.
Section 2. Annual dues may be collected at any time. The annual dues schedule will be determined by the membership.
Section 3. Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. In the absence of a member, an alternate may vote.
ARTICLE IV: Membership Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held two times each year on the first Thursday and Friday of June and December, unless changed by vote of the membership.
The annual meeting shall be held mid-year for the purpose of electing officers and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. The second meeting shall be held approximately six months after the annual meeting.
The specific date, time and place of each membership meeting shall be determined by the membership or the president.
One or more member(s) may, if necessary, participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone, videoconference, or similar communications equipment whereby all persons participating in the meeting can simultaneously hear each other. All members participating by means of conference telephone, videoconference, or similar communications equipment shall be deemed present at the meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president, by the vice-president, or by two or more members, with a notice of a minimum of five days prior to the meeting, for the transaction of business as stated in the call for the meeting.
If action on behalf of the membership is required and it is not possible to call a meeting, the president shall be deemed empowered to take action after communicating by telephone, by telefacsimile, by electronic means or by mail with sufficient other members to constitute a majority, based on the number of members represented at the last regular meeting. The result of this poll and the action of the president shall be recorded in the minutes of the next regular meeting.
Section 3. The number of persons with the right to vote present at a meeting shall constitute the quorum.
Section 4. The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items:
Call to order
Roll call of members
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Report of the president
Reports of committees
Old business
New business
Public presentation to, or discussion with, the membership
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and an assistant treasurer. The term of office shall be one year beginning at the close of the annual meeting except for the treasurer, who shall serve until a replacement is elected. The vice-president shall succeed to the office of president. Likewise, the secretary shall succeed to the office of vice-president.
Section 2. A nominating committee comprised of two members shall be appointed by the president three months prior to the annual meeting to present a single slate of candidates for offices [officers] to be filled. The committee shall determine if the nominees will serve, if elected. Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.
Section 3. The president shall plan the agenda/program and preside at all meetings of the membership, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint committees, execute all documents authorized by the membership, serve as an ex-officio voting member of all committees with the exception of the nominating committee, and perform all duties as are generally associated with that office or as may be delegated by the membership from time to time.
Section 4. The vice-president in the absence or disability of the president or in the event of a vacancy in that office shall assume and perform the duties of the president.
Section 5. The secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a true and accurate record of all meetings of the membership, shall issue notice of all regular and special meetings, and shall perform such other duties as are generally associated with that office or as may be delegated by the membership from time to time. The secretary shall assume and perform the duties of the vice-president in the absence or disability of that officer and shall assume the same responsibility for the president should the vice-president be unable to do so.
Section 6: The treasurer and assistant treasurer shall have custody of funds of the group and disburse said funds on approval of the President. He/she shall also report on the status of the group’s finances at every meeting or when called on to do so; prepare billings for the meetings of the group and collect registration fees and annual dues for deposit in the account(s) of the organization.
Section 7. In event of a vacancy in any office a successor shall be elected at the next regular meeting.
Section 8. Any officer who misses two consecutive meetings without a good cause may, upon notice, be removed from duty as an officer at a meeting of the membership at which two-thirds of those present who are entitled to vote shall so approve.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
Section 1. The president shall appoint committees of one or more members for such specific purposes as the business of the membership may require from time to time. The committee shall be discharged upon the completion of the purpose for which it was appointed.
Section 2. No committee shall have other than advisory powers unless it is granted specific power to act by the membership.
ARTICLE VII: Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws may be made at any meeting of the membership by a two-thirds vote of those present, after written notification of the proposed changes to each member at least two weeks before the meeting at which the voting is to take place.
Section 2. Any rule or resolution of the membership, whether contained in these bylaws or otherwise, may be suspended temporarily in connection with business at hand, but such suspension, to be valid, may be taken only at a meeting at which two-thirds of those present who are entitled to vote shall so approve.
ARTICLE VIII: Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1. Proceedings of all meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.
Bylaws approved: November 1995. Revised: June 7, 2013, June 2, 2023.
Missouri Public Library Directors -- Procedures
History of MPLD
The basis of what later became MPLD began in the late 1980s by a group of public library directors who felt that the Missouri State Library, which at that time was under the Missouri Department of Higher Education, would benefit if it were transferred to the Office of the Secretary of State. An informal group held meetings for several years until legislation authorizing the transfer was approved by the Missouri General Assembly in 1991.
After the transfer of the State Library to the Secretary of State’s office, many involved felt there was a need for the directors to continue to meet to share information and network with colleagues. Bylaws were written and the tradition of meeting semi-annually began.
For a number of years, many of the public library directors held the opinion that the actions of the State Librarian and the State Library ran contrary to the interests of public libraries. Since public libraries are independent political subdivisions not governed by the State Library, MPLD decided to remain an independent organization and for a number of years the membership of MPLD chose not to invite any member of the State Library staff to attend any part of the meetings. State Library staff and representatives from other library-related organizations are now invited to open portions of the meetings, but are asked to leave during the business meeting segment that is open to members only.
The following are practices long-held by MPLD. They do not warrant inclusion in the bylaws, but are provided to inform the membership of historical/current practices. The membership may approve changes to these procedures at any business meeting.
There are 2 MPLD conferences held each year: 1st Thursday and Friday of June and December. As noted in the bylaws, the annual business meeting is held during the mid-year conference.
The president-elect plans the two conferences during the year he/she serves in that office. The president-elect selects meal menus, arranges for speakers, and determines the conference registration fee based on the cost to provide each conference.
Registration for the conference is open by invitation to non-members such as AMIGOS, MALA, State Library personnel, or other library-related organizations at a non-member rate determined for each conference by the president-elect.
The conference registration fee typically includes the cost of lunch and breaks on the first day and breakfast and breaks on the second day, plus any speaker fees. However, local conditions may make it difficult to include the cost of all these meals and the registration fee will reflect these circumstances.
Typically, MPLD uses speakers who do not charge for their services, except for mileage reimbursement costs. If a presenter is invited who charges a fee, MPLD may elect to pay a speaker’s fee, mileage, and/or hotel reimbursement. The president-elect should consult with other officers to determine whether those charges are included in the calculation of the conference registration fee or if the payment should be paid using funds accumulated in the MPLD account.
Local Arrangements
Host libraries volunteer to coordinate arrangements for the summer conference. The director of the host library selects a hotel and meeting space and negotiates the cost of hotel rooms. The host library works with the president-elect to select meal and break options.
The winter conference is held at the Lake of the Ozarks, which is centrally located for most libraries. The membership is polled at the winter conference to determine the hotel location for the next winter conference. A contract with the selected hotel for the next year is signed by the president at the conclusion of the current winter conference.
Business Meeting
Attendance at MPLD business meetings is restricted to current members or their designees. A guest may be invited to attend any portion of the business meeting by vote of the membership at that business meeting.
At the annual business meeting each year, one representative to the MOREnet Council is approved by the membership. The representative serves a 3 year term that begins on July 1 of the year s/he is elected.
The MPLD email listserv is open only to current members. Exceptions for individuals may be approved by a vote of the membership. Approval is for the individual named and not for the office s/he holds. Approval may be rescinded by a vote of the membership at any business meeting. To subscribe, go to http://lists.more.net/mailman/listinfo/mpld for more information.
MPLD officers are responsible for organizational communication, either through the listserv or the blog site, address: http://mopublibdir.blogspot.com. Volunteers from the membership will be solicited to assist in maintaining the web presence of the organization.
The current President should maintain the “official” MPLD notebook, which contains agendas and copies of the approved minutes of prior meetings. The current President should add agendas and minutes of meetings held during his/her tenure. This notebook should be given to the incoming President at the conclusion of the final meeting over which s/he presides.
MPLD engages the services of an attorney to provide advice to its members and to attend the two MPLD meetings each year. Members are not charged for a consultation with the attorney if an issue can be quickly resolved. If a member has a matter that involves lengthy research or requires the representation of legal counsel, the library involved may contract for those services at their own expense.
Recognition of Retiring Directors. Directors who retire from their positions are recognized during the last meeting they attend with a cake or other similar dessert.
Bereavement. Flowers or a memorial donation are given by MPLD in the event of the death of a director, director’s spouse, or child. At the next meeting, members are asked to make a donation to the memorial fund, which is tracked separately from the regular MPLD account.
Presented by the MPLD Secretary: Michelle Mears Reviewed and accepted by the membership: December 5, 2014